Current guild activity on the server .. see below
Guild name Tag Members Experience
warriors WAR 267 8711
literally lit LIT 196 6838
the cloth TC 284 6313
mafia MIA 140 5053
psych ward PW 142 3695
polish community PLC 116 3310
most valuable player MVP 79 2493
eos most wanted EMW 67 1408
manley men MEN 88 1351
certified grinders inc CGI 26 992
older warriors of eo OWE 39 928
endless online nerds EON 26 837
mob ties MOB 27 771
test players TST 28 668
rogues ROG 25 634
zenith ZEN 13 601
the firm TFI 25 564
billionaire ballers club BBC 41 541
turkish royals TR 17 534
eggcellence EGG 33 514
blingqueens army BQA 30 503
infinite INE 17 485
very important people VIP 14 439
the usual suspects TUS 12 429
love sex dreams LSD 24 424
power unlimited POW 9 420
sunny killer yoinkers SKY 21 404
sweden eo SWE 15 376
lost souls LS 14 359
universes side US 14 355
dead inside DIE 7 346
no new friends NNF 12 334
you fail life YFL 19 321
the arena gang TAG 19 303
the valley of the wolves TKV 18 301
antisocial social club AC 31 298
pinoy deathlock academy PDA 18 291
organization xiii ORG 12 288
aeven illuminati AI 16 287
the highest class THC 9 256
endless online EO 13 256
doxxers anonymous SXS 15 253
krusaders of light KOL 13 246
draco vs orion DEN 10 242
blazing up dope BUD 13 226
lick my crit LMC 8 223
artist of endless AOE 12 221
quantum QN 7 217
masters of games MG 12 212
syndicate SIN 7 209
endless first nation EFN 6 197
original gang OG 16 194
domination DOM 6 187
vow of will VOW 9 168
aces of arena ACE 3 166
degenerates DEG 6 163
stand alone complex SAX 6 153
away from keyboard AFK 12 133
cat cafe CAT 7 133
the aristocrats TA 7 124
one and only ONE 2 116
alphabet crew ABC 7 100
artificial ART 10 97
rest in power RIP 10 94
god over all GOA 8 90
experience EXP 4 89
quest QS 9 71
merchant MM 4 59
misfits MF 4 57
orcish ruling class ORC 5 54
eoradio EOR 11 54
full of fools FF 6 49
black ice mirage BG 2 44
invictus INV 5 36
perfection beyond doubt PRO 3 34
aeven group AG 3 26
mohawk blood gang MBG 11 19
laugh out loud LOL 3 15

This list was generated by the game-server on: 10/6/2024 4:25:13 AM

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